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Resumen de Nouvelles données sur la morphologie du test, sus la systematique et la nomenclature des miliolides agatisthegues du Mesozoique

Theodor Neagu

  • This is the second contribution regarding the Eocretaceous Miliolids from the Southern part of Dobrogea (Romania). Using the internal morphology (structure and dispozition of the chambers), aspect and structure of the aperture, the author show that this group is homeomorph. On the base of the internal structure was possible to distinguish two large categories: one with chamber floor and other one without chamber floor. This character was followed since Dogger time, making the demonstration of its systematic value. On this character was standing up two families. Quinqueloculinidae which are grouping the genera with "chamber floor" and Miliolidae which are grouping the genera without "chamber floor". In the group with chamber floor was also separated two distinct categories: a small one to which the chambers are disposed in "X" - on the last whorls-, and the other much larger to which the chambers are disposed in "Y". To the first group belongs the new genus Decussoloculina (D. mirceai n.sp. D. barbui, n.sp. D. granumlentis n.sp.). To the second one belongs. Axiopolina n.g. (A. granumfestucae), Rumanoloculina n.g. (R. robusta) (Neagu) 1968, R. multicostata (Neagu) 1968, Moesiloculina n.g. (M. danubiana) (Neagu) 1968, M. histri (Neagu) 1968, M. scythica (Neagu) 1968, Scythiloculina n.g. (S. confusa n.sp., S. bancilai n.sp.), Danubiella (Neagu) 1968, (D. gracilima n.sp.), Derventina (Neagu) 1968, (D. filipescui (Neagu) 1968, D. bicarinata n.sp.). In the group without chamber floor the chambers are disposed also in "Y" but without floor. On the internal and external morphology (aperture) was caried out the new genus Istriloculina (I. elliptica Iovcheva 1962, I. emiliae n.sp.).

    The age of this very reach miliolids fauna is Berriasian-Valanginian and Barremian- Lower Aptian.

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