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Resumen de Cross-university question exchange platform based on Moodle LMS

Tobias Kutzner, E. Kostova, Andreas Freytag

  • During the projects "Profilgebundene Wissens Checks 2.0" and "StudiPortal Brandenburg" funded by the EuropeanSocial Fund (ESF), a Moodle-based question exchange platform (QEP) was developed and tested between 2018 and2022. Up to eight universities in the state of Brandenburg Germany worked together in both successive projects. Thework packages included the development of online subject quizzes (online self-assessments) to help prospective studentsmatch their individual level of apprehension with the knowledge required at the beginning of their studies. Depending onthe obtained results, e-learning units with the necessary subject understanding were provided. An important componentof the project is the question exchange platform, on which the questions from the partner universities were madeavailable for exchange in order to serve as a basis for assessments used across the universities, primarily in the fields ofScience, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) as well as economics, law and psychology. Besides thecross-university access to the questions, the platform offers many other advantages such as extensive search options, keywording (tags), and import and export functions for the various systems of the university partners. New Moodle pluginshave been developed specifically for these functionalities to extend the Moodle question bank for importing questionsfrom other systems with metadata, searching for questions via metadata, keywords and exporting questions to otherQuestion and Test Interoperability Specification (QTI)-based LMSs. The platform also served as a project websiteproviding all relevant information about the project and the partner universities.

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