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Resumen de When drugs are no longer cool. Coming-of-age narratives on addiction from Skins to Euphoria

Marta Lopera Mármol, Manel Jiménez Morales

  • Television series can act as one of the primary sources of information on addiction.

    However, research on the accurate representation of addiction concerning its clinical and social reality is still lacking, mainly because it requires an interdisciplinary approach with higher complexity. Methods: this article aims to analyze the narrative depiction of drug addiction through two TV series case studies: Euphoria (Levinson et al., 2017-2021) and Skins (Elsley et al., 2013-2017). Moreover, it intends to identify which stereotypes are still predominant on-screen. Results: current TV series try to opt for better representations. Discussion: the perpetuation of misconceptions and misrepresentations is still due to a tension between showing realistic, educational values (edutainment) and opting for a gripping audio-visual and narrative drama. Finally, the TV series criticizes how the responsibility for the recovery is placed on the persona rather than the system.

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