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The Voice from Users of Running Applications:: An Analysis of Online Reviews Using Leximancer

    1. [1] Gachon University

      Gachon University

      Corea del Sur

    2. [2] Texas A&M University

      Texas A&M University

      Estados Unidos

    3. [3] Hong Kong Metropolitan University, China
  • Localización: Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, ISSN-e 0718-1876, Vol. 18, Nº. 1, 2023, págs. 173-186
  • Idioma: inglés
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • This study aimed to examine users’ experiences of using running applications. A total of 20,243 online reviews posted by running-application users were collected from the Google Play Store. The data were analyzed using Leximancer to conduct the qualitative content analysis. The software identified six themes of running-app users’ experiences: “app”, “use”, “track”, “free”, “ads”, and “support”. Moreover, the results showed that users were generally positive toward the usefulness of running applications’ functions. The findings of this study help designers better understand runningapplication users’ experience and improve running applications’ features in order to optimize users’ exercise experience

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