Enrico Caruso, paradigma del tenor italiano del que se ha cumplido recientemente el centenario de su muerte, traspasó los umbrales de su campo profesional para convertirse en un mito universal, lo que nunca hubiera sido posible sin su relación con el disco. Fue el primer cantante en vender masivamente copias de un mismo ejemplar y con él despegó la naciente industria fonográfica. Este artículo, centrado en sus registros europeos previos a 1904 para las firmas Gramophone and Typewriter Company Ltd., Zonophone y Pathé Frères, asociadas estas dos últimas a la Anglo-Italian Commerce Company, pretende reunir y ordenar el resultado de investigaciones anteriores y aportar un criterio analítico, estético y técnico, que contribuya a sustentar la cronología de sus primeras grabaciones, basada hasta la fecha en fuentes documentales fragmentarias auxiliadas por hipótesis, ajenas al examen artístico, para tratar de cubrir las lagunas existentes.
Enrico Caruso, paradigm of the Italian tenor whose centenary of his death has recently been celebrated, crossed the thresholds of his professional field to become a universal myth, which would never have been possible without his relationship with the record. He was the first singer to sell massively copies of the same title and with him the nascent phonographic industry took off. This article, focusing on his European records prior to 1904 for the firms Gramophone and Typewriter Company Ltd., Zonophone and Pathé Frères, the latter two associated with the Anglo-Italian Commerce Company, aims to gather and order the results of previous research and provide an analytical, aesthetic and technical criterion, which helps to support the chronology of his first recordings, based to date on fragmentary documentary sources aided by hypotheses, unrelated to the artistic examination, to try to fill any gaps.
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