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Resumen de León (Spain) Health professionals’ knowledge and clinical practice towards the relationship between cardiovascular diseases and periodontal disease

Juan-Manuel Gómez-González, Mariano del Canto-Díaz, Clara Jacobo Orea, M.A. Alobera Gracia, Mariano del Canto Pingarrón

  • Cardiovascular pathologies have a high prevalence in the geriatric population, with acute myocardial infarction being one of the main causes of death in Spain. These pathologies have a systemic inflammatory component that is of vital importance. We also know in dentistry that the main gingival pathogens are capable of generating a systemic inflammatory response, being indirectly involved in the development of the atherosclerotic lesion, assuming, therefore, that periodontal disease is a cardiovascular risk factor. The objective of this study is to determine the knowledge of health professionals who treat cardiovascular diseases about periodontal disease and its relationship with heart disease.

    A health survey was carried out on 100 Cardiologists, Internists and General Practitioners in the province of León. Points of interest in this survey: the professional’s own oral health, knowledge of the relationship between periodontal and heart disease and, lastly, the training received in medicine on oral health.

    60% of professionals reviewed their oral health annually and 20% randomly. 48% of health professionals were unaware of periodontal diseases, 77% claimed to have not received university training in this regard, only 13% of those surveyed acknowledged having received more than 10 hours of training on oral health in their experience and finally, 90% thought that training in both Medicine and Dentistry should be collaborative.

    The degree of knowledge of health professionals regarding oral health is poor (77%), therefore the number of collaborative consultations with dental professionals is low (<63%). Training projects targeting a correct preventive medicine are shown to be necessary.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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