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Resumen de Études microstratigraphiques de quelques affleurements Néogènes de l'Ampurdan (Espagne)

Omar H. Cherif

  • The study of planktonic Foraminifera collected from three Neogene exposures in the Ampurdan (near Ciurana, at the station of San-Miguel-de-Fluvia and on the road to San-Mori) enables to give to all these outcrops a lower Pliocene age, extending within the chronostratigraphical limits of the Zones of Globorotalia margaritae and G. puncticulata (sensu BIZON & BIZON 1972).

    Paleoecologic deductions after the vertical changes in the benthonic foramini- feral assemblages found in the studied exposures suggest that these rocks belong to a single Pliocene sedimentary cycle.

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