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Resumen de Observations on Filaments from the Subbetic of Spain

B. Kuhry

  • In the region of Vélez Blanco (Province of Almería), several types of filament- bearing limestones of Callovian-Oxfordian age occur.

    A broad distinction can be made between long curved filaments and short, more or less straight filaments. The long filaments are interpreted as undamaged pelecypods closely related to Bositra buchi (Römer). The short filaments are interpreted as Bositra fragments. There is evidence for a sedimentary sorting of the Bositra fragments and specimens.

    The «typical» filaments (Bositra specimens and fragments) disappear around the Oxfordian-Kimmeridgian boundary. Filaments in younger rocks represent Saccocoma, larval palecypods and ostracods. These can be distinguished from typical filaments.

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