Eva Buller Viqueira, Francisca Muñoz Peralta, Juana Cabello Pulido
Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 20 años que acude a nuestra consulta por tics motores y fónicos que empeoran con el nerviosismo y desaparecen con el sueño y maniobras de distracción. Se deriva al hospital y se decide su ingreso. Al revisar sus antecedentes observamos que había sido ingresada en varias ocasiones durante su infancia antes de ser diagnosticada a los cuatro años de edad de acidemia metilmalónica. La sintomatología de esa patología comenzó durante su primera semana de vida, manifestando vómitos, hipotonía y fallo de medro. La acidemia metilmalónica es una enfermedad congénita que provoca un defecto a nivel de la enzima metilmalonil CoA-mutasa, ocasionando como consecuencia un acúmulo del ácido metilmalónico. Se diagnostica por aumento de ácido metilmalónico en orina y se confirma mediante análisis molecular genético. Durante este último ingreso la paciente fue diagnosticada de un tourettismo, sin determinar si fue secundario al tratamiento o si se trata de una manifestación crónica de su patología. La acidemia metilmalónica es una enfermedad rara de difícil diagnóstico tanto por su clínica inespecífica como por el escaso conocimiento sobre la misma por parte del personal sanitario.
The following is the case of a 20-year-old woman in seek of professional help because of chronic motor and phonic tics which worsened when nervous and disappeared when sleeping or when distraction manoeuvres were employed. She was referred to a hospital where she was hospitalized. In examining her medical history, we found that she required hospitalization on a number of occasions during childhood before being diagnosed with methylmalonic acidemia at the age of four. Her symptoms began within the first week of life, suffering from vomiting, hypotonia, failure to thrive and asthenia. Methylmalonic acidemia is a congenital disease which provokes a defect in the enzyme methylmalonyl-CoA mutase therefore causing a build-up of methylmalonic acid. It is diagnosed by an increase of methylmalonic acid in urine samples and it is confirmed with a molecular genetic analysis. In addition to this rare illness, the patient was also diagnosed with tourettism, without determining if it was due to treatment or a chronic presentation of her pathology. Methylmalonic acidemia is a rare disease, and consequently difficult to diagnose because of its unspecific clinical manifestations and because of healthcare workers' limited awareness of it.
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