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Resumen de El tambor de hojalata: biopolítica y violencia fática

Daniel López Fernández

  • español

    La novela de Günter Grass El tambor de hojalata (1959) representa de forma paradigmática el horizonte letal de la biopolítica nacionalsocialista. Frente a un biopoder que lo excluye y amenaza con aniquilarlo, el protagonista Óscar Matzerath ejerce un tipo de violencia que se podría caracterizar de “fática”, con la que no solo defiende su vida, sino también reivindica su subjetividad.

  • English

    Günter Grass’ novel The Tin Drum (1959) paradigmatically represents the lethal horizon of National Socialist biopolitics. Faced with a biopower that excludes him and threatens to annihilate him, the protagonist Oskar Matzerath exercises a type of violence that could be characterized as “phatic”, with which he not only defends his life, but also vindicates his subjectivity.

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