El consumo de agua es estratégico para el crecimiento y desarrollo económico de las regiones. Como elemento fundamental en este proceso, el agua se convierte en objeto de varios estudios debido a su escasez en ciertas regiones, especialmente aquellas áreas urbanas que han tenido un rápido crecimiento y están en proceso de desarrollo. El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar un levantamiento de estudios sobre el consumo de agua y su relación con el crecimiento económico. Metodológicamente se utilizó un análisis bibliométrico. Después de definir las cadenas de búsqueda y las bases de datos Web of Science y Scopus, todos los artículos encontrados fueron analizados y con la ayuda de los software Excel, Iramuteq y Qgis, fue posible desarrollar tablas, gráficos y figuras que apoyaron los análisis. Fue posible observar que del total de 56 artículos analizados, la gran mayoría de los autores eran chinos. Los periódicos que contenían las publicaciones se distribuyen en varios países, sin concentración. El primer artículo data de 1998, y es fácil observar el creciente número de trabajos a lo largo de los años. Los últimos 6 años concentran el 66% de las publicaciones sobre el tema, lo que demuestra el interés y la actualidad sobre el tema. La mayoría de los investigadores son chinos y el área geográfica de interés también se destaca por las ciudades y regiones de China. A través del análisis de similitud, fue posible observar las palabras más relevantes y sus conexiones además de la formación de 10 grupos de palabras. Finalmente, existe un tema multidisciplinario que es objeto de investigación en varias áreas, el cual puede ser estudiado de manera más específica, a través de los clusters generados.
O objetivo deste trabalho é realizar um levantamento dos estudos sobre o consumo de água e sua relação com o crescimento econômico. Metodologicamente, utilizou-se uma análise bibliométrica. Após definido os string de busca e as bases da Web of Science e da Scopus, foram analisados todos os papers encontrados e com o auxílio dos softwares excel, Iramuteq e Qgis, foi possível desenvolver tabelas, gráficos e figuras que deram suporte para as análises. Foi possível observar que do total de 56 artigos analisados, a grande maioria dos autores eram chineses. Os periódicos que continham as publicações são distribuídos em diversos países, não havendo uma concentração. O primeiro paper é datado de 1998 sendo de fácil observação o crescente número de trabalhos ao longo dos anos. Os últimos 6 anos concentra 66% das publicações sobre o tema, o que demostra o interesse e a atualidade sobre o assunto. A maioria dos pesquisadores são chineses e a área geográfica de interesse também tem destaque para os municípios e regiões da China. Através da análise de similitude foi possível observar as palavras mais relevantes e suas conexões além da formação de 10 clusters de palavras. Por fim, nota-se um tema multidisciplinar objeto de pesquisa de diversas áreas podendo ser estudado de forma mais específica, através dos clusters gerados.
Abstract: The aim of this work is to identify studies on water consumption and its relationship with economic growth. Methodologically, a bibliometric analysis was used. After defining the search strings and the Web of Science and Scopus databases, all the papers found were analysed, the tables, graphs and figures that supported the analyses were made by Excel, Iramuteq and Qgis software. From the total of 56 articles analysed, it was possible to observe that the vast majority of authors were Chinese and the geographic area of interest is also highlighted by the cities and regions of China. The journals in which the articles were published are distributed in several countries, with no concentration. The first paper dates from 1998, and it is easy to notice a growing number of works over the years. The last 6 years of analysis concentrate 66% of the studies found, which shows the current interest on the subject. Through the similarity analysis, it was possible to observe the most relevant words and their connections in addition to the formation of 10 clusters of words. Finally, this is a multidisciplinary theme, which is a research object in several areas, and can be studied more specifically, through the generated clusters.
Water consumption is strategic for regions economic growth and development. As a fundamental element in this process, water becomes the object of several studies due to its scarcity in certain regions, especially urban areas that have had rapid growth and are undergoing a development process. The aim of this work is to identify studies on water consumption and its relationship with economic growth. Methodologically, a bibliometric analysis was used. After defining the search strings and the Web of Science and Scopus databases, all the papers found were analysed, the tables, graphs and figures that supported the analyses were made by Excel, Iramuteq and Qgis software. From the total of 56 articles analysed, it was possible to observe that the vast majority of authors were Chinese and the geographic area of interest is also highlighted by the cities and regions of China. The journals in which the articles were published are distributed in several countries, with no concentration. The first paper dates from 1998, and it is easy to notice a growing number of works over the years. The last 6 years of analysis concentrate 66% of the studies found, which shows the current interest on the subject. Through the similarity analysis, it was possible to observe the most relevant words and their connections in addition to the formation of 10 clusters of words. Finally, this is a multidisciplinary theme, which is a research object in several areas, and can be studied more specifically, through the generated clusters.
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