Since 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has had direct repercussions on e-commerce. Abrupt changes in the dynamics of social and economic behavior reflect online consumption. In view of the exceptional context caused by the health crisis resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic, the following research question is defined: How were citizens' online shopping and consumption habits affected by the Covid-19 pandemic in the city of Campina Grande-PB? Thus, the objective of this research is: to analyze the changes in the online buying and consumption habits of citizens from the Covid-19 pandemic period in the city of Campina Grande-PB. The study was developed from a quantitative research approach, characterized as exploratory-descriptive. 217 online questionnaires were applied to consumers in the city of Campina Grande-PB, covering twenty-one objective questions, analyzed using simple descriptive statistics. The data reveal a decrease in the number of consumers who do not shop online. Although clothing and food maintain the leadership in terms of online consumption, it is observed that the latter, as well as pharmaceutical products, have achieved greater projection in times of a pandemic. The e-commerce modality proved to be a fundamental mechanism for the continuity of the development of retail trade from the Covid-19 pandemic, given the measures adopted to contain the spread of the new coronavirus. In view of the analyzed data, there was a greater adherence to e-commerce during the pandemic period in the city of Campina Grande-PB, especially with regard to food and pharmaceutical products.
Desde 2020 a pandemia da COVID-19 gerou repercussões diretas sobre o comércio eletrônico. As mudanças abruptas na dinâmica social e econômica refletiram no comportamento de consumo online dos indivíduos. Diante do contexto de exceção causado pela crise sanitária decorrente da pandemia da COVID-19, define-se a seguinte pergunta de pesquisa: Como os hábitos de compra e consumo online dos cidadãos foram afetados pela pandemia da COVID-19 na cidade de Campina Grande-PB? Assim, o objetivo desta pesquisa consiste em: Analisar as mudanças nos hábitos de compra e consumo online dos cidadãos a partir do período de pandemia da COVID-19 na cidade de Campina Grande-PB. O estudo foi desenvolvido a partir de uma abordagem quantitativa de pesquisa, caracterizando-se como exploratório-descritivo. Foram aplicados, junto a consumidores da cidade de Campina Grande-PB, entre junho e julho de 2021, 217 questionários online contemplando vinte e uma questões objetivas, analisadas por meio de estatística descritiva simples. Os dados revelam decréscimo no quantitativo de consumidores que não realizam compras online. Embora vestuário e alimentação mantenham a liderança no tocante ao consumo online, observa-se que estes últimos, assim como os produtos farmacêuticos, alcançaram uma maior projeção em tempos de pandemia. A modalidade de comércio eletrônico revelou-se como mecanismo fundamental para a continuidade do desenvolvimento do comércio varejista a partir da pandemia da COVID-19, haja vista as medidas adotadas para contenção da propagação do novo coronavírus. Diante dos dados analisados, verificou-se uma maior adesão ao e-commerce durante o período pandêmico na cidade de Campina Grande-PB, sobretudo no que se refere a produtos de gênero alimentício e farmacêutico.
ABSTRACT Since 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has had direct repercussions on e-commerce. Abrupt changes in the dynamics of social and economic behavior reflected upon online consumption. Due to the exceptional context resulting from COVID-19 health crisis, the following research question is presented: How were citizens' online shopping and consumption habits affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in the city of Campina Grande-PB? Thus, this research aims to analyze the changes in online buying and consumption habits of citizens from COVID-19 pandemic period onward in the city of Campina Grande-PB. Study was developed from a quantitative research approach, characterized as exploratory-descriptive. 217 online forms were applied to consumers in the city of Campina Grande-PB, covering twenty-one objective questions, analyzed using simple descriptive statistics. Data reveal a decrease in the number of consumers who do not shop online. Although clothing and food maintain the leadership in terms of online consumption, it is observed that the latter, as well as pharmaceutical products, have achieved greater projection in pandemic times. The e-commerce modality proved to be a fundamental mechanism for the continuity of the development of retail trade from COVID-19 pandemic onward, given measures adopted to contain the spread of the new coronavirus. In view of the analyzed data, there was a greater adherence to e-commerce during the pandemic period in the city of Campina Grande-PB, especially with regard to food and pharmaceutical products.
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