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Resumen de Gestão rural como um lócus de atuação para profissionais de secretariado executivo: uma relação possível?

Jaqueline Abich, Ivanete Daga Cielo, Carla Maria Schmidt

  • português

    As atuais configurações e demandas do mercado de trabalho tem impactado a atuação de profissionais de diversas áreas, entre eles, os de Secretariado Executivo. Neste contexto, buscar novos nichos de atuação apresenta-se uma alternativa importante. Assim, buscou-se aqui responder a seguinte questão de pesquisa: As competências desenvolvidas pelos secretários executivos permitem a inserção destes profissionais no contexto da gestão rural? Para responder esta questão, o presente estudo possui o objetivo de analisar se as competências dos profissionais de secretariado podem ser absorvidas na gestão das propriedades rurais. A opção pelo contexto rural justifica-se, pois, o setor de agronegócio é um dos mais dinâmicos da economia brasileira e paranaense, apresentando-se como um possível lócus de atuação alternativo aos secretários executivos. Para atingir o objetivo, a partir de pesquisa qualitativa, de cunho exploratório, desenvolveu-se inicialmente revisão teórica acerca das competências do profissional de secretariado executivo. Na sequência, a partir de aplicação de questionários a uma amostra de gestores de empreendimentos rurais de Toledo -PR, buscou-se compreender as competências de um gestor rural. Os resultados demonstram que as características de um gestor rural apresentam similaridades com as dos secretários executivos, de modo que a gestão de propriedades rurais se mostra como um possível lócus de atuação para esses profissionais.

      ABSTRACT The current configurations and demands of the market have impacted the performance of professionals from different areas, among them, those of the Executive Secretariat. In this context, seeking new niches of performance is an important alternative. Thus, this study tries to answer the following research question: Do the skills developed by executive secretaries allow the insertion of these professionals in the context of rural management? To answer this question, the present study aims to analyze whether the skills of secretarial professionals can be absorbed in the management of rural properties. The option for the rural context is justified, since the agribusiness sector is one of the most dynamic in the Brazilian and Paraná economy, presenting itself as a possible locus of alternative action to the executive secretaries. To achieve the objective, based on qualitative research, of an exploratory character, a theoretical review was initially developed about the competences of the executive secretariat professional. Subsequently, through the application of questionnaires to a sample of managers of rural enterprises in Toledo-PR, was possible to understand the skills of a rural manager. The results demonstrate that the characteristics of a rural manager present similarities with those of executive secretaries, so that the management of rural properties is shown as a possible locus of action for these professionals.

  • English

    The current configurations and demands of the market have impacted the performance of professionals from different areas, among them, those of the Executive Secretariat. In this context, seeking new niches of performance is an important alternative. Thus, this study tries to answer the following research question: Do the skills developed by executive secretaries allow the insertion of these professionals in the context of rural management? To answer this question, the present study aims to analyze whether the skills of secretarial professionals can be absorbed in the management of rural properties. The option for the rural context is justified, since the agribusiness sector is one of the most dynamic in the Brazilian and Paraná economy, presenting itself as a possible locus of alternative action to the executive secretaries. To achieve the objective, based on qualitative research, of an exploratory character, a theoretical review was initially developed about the competences of the executive secretariat professional. Subsequently, through the application of questionnaires to a sample of managers of rural enterprises in Toledo-PR, was possible to understand the skills of a rural manager. The results demonstrate that the characteristics of a rural manager present similarities with those of executive secretaries, so that the management of rural properties is shown as a possible locus of action for these professionals.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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