Aranzazu Berbey Alvarez, Armando Pinillo
Hypatia de Alejandría es considerada la primera mujer científica y matemática de la historia. Dotada de una gran belleza, se dedicó también a un exhaustivo cuidado de su cuerpo, mediante una rutina física diaria que le permitía mantener un cuerpo saludable, así como una mente activa.
Su carácter singular de mujer entregada al pensamiento y a la enseñanza le valió el aprecio general. Ella educó a una selecta escuela de aristócratas que ocuparon altos cargos. Pese a sus notables cualidades físicas e intelectuales, rechazó casarse, a fin de entregarse por completo a la ciencia.
Hypatia of Alexandria is considered the first female scientist and mathematician in history. Endowed with great beauty, she also dedicated herself to an exhaustive care of her body, through a daily physical routine that allowed her to maintain a healthy body, as well as an active mind.
Her unique character as a woman devoted to thought and teaching earned her general appreciation. He educated a select school of aristocrats who held high positions. Despite his remarkable physical and intellectual qualities, he refused to marry, in order to give himself entirely to science.
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