Somos predominantemente agua: onda y materia simultáneamente interactuando a niveles cuánticos y cósmicos respecto al mundo que habitamos y, es nuestra consciencia la que se mueve, tanto a diversas escalas fractales como en múltiples dimensiones de nuestra existencia. Podemos afectar la mente colectiva planetaria y corregir errores de comportamiento en los seres humanos, desde la intención hasta la acción, modificando la forma del agua y tejiendo la memoria colectiva de humanos y no humanos. El error primordial de la presente humanidad consiste en haber reemplazado la cultura matrística original, basada en el poder del cuidado, por una cultura occidental dominante, jerárquica, separatista basada en el poder patriarcal. Antes de la llegada de dicha manera de pensar y actuar a nuestro continente, hubo otras civilizaciones, mundos enteros olvidados, como la cultura Zenú de la depresión geográfica momposina colombiana, cuya cultura matrística había logrado armonizar el tejido del agua mediante infraestructuras hidráulicas capaces de garantizar la seguridad y soberanía alimentaria, habitar de manera segura y confortable el territorio, aprovechar eficaz y eficientemente los recursos de la naturaleza y de paso respetarla y promover el bienestar a todas las especies no humanas a escala continental.
We are predominantly water, we are the wave and matter simultaneously interacting at quantum and cosmic levels with respect to the world we inhabit in and it is our consciousness that moves, both at various fractal scales and in multiple dimensions of our existence. We can affect the planetary collective mind and correct behavioral errors in humans, from the intention to the action, modifying the water shape and weaving the collective memory of human beings and nonhuman beings. The primordial error of the present humanity consists of having replaced the original matristic culture, based on the care power, with a dominant, hierarchical, separatist western culture based on patriarchal power. Before the arrival of this way of thinking and acting in our continent, there were other forgotten civilizations, and entire worlds, such as the Zenú culture of the Colombian Momposina geographical depression, whose matristic culture had managed to harmonize the tissue of water through hydraulic infrastructures capable of guaranteeing food security and sovereignty, inhabiting the territory in a safe and comfortable way, taking advantage of the resources of nature effectively and efficiently and by all means respecting it and promoting the well-being of all non-human species in a continental scale.
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