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Resumen de Le voci delle origini: Bonnefoy all’ascolto di Cavalcanti e Dante

Sara Bonanni

  • Always fruitful in the poetics of Bonnefoy, the dialogue with art and Italian poetry opens also, in his latest production, to the comparison with the representative figures of the Dolce stil novo, Cavalcanti and Dante. Through intertextuality, the poet hosts other voices in the space of his voice, and entrusts them with the task of guiding him in the unveiling of a truth of meaning hidden before. Personal memory and literary memory are inseparable in the heuristic path that word is destined to take, one last time, in Ensemble encore and L’Écharpe rouge.Crossing the linguistic and epochal distance that separates his work from the origins of Italian literature, Bonnefoy gives proof of how reading, listening, and dialogue with other’s voices may be translated into the creation and renewal of one’s own.

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