Gabriela Soares Rezende, Ana Carolina Mortari
This survey analyzed data obtained through a questionnaire on the clinical approaches used by veterinarians to treat dogs with epileptic seizures. We found that neurological examinations were performed by 12% of the respondents, blood tests by 85%, and computed tomography by 72%. In addition, serology for infectious disease detection was mentioned by 30% of the respondents, and 72% did not classify epileptic seizures. According to the answers, the treatment of choice was phenobarbital in 100% of cases which was combined with potassium bromide in 19%. Moreover, 51% of the respondents mentioned that they monitored the serum phenobarbital levels. The study results showed disagreements on the conduct and care recommended by the International Veterinary Epilepsy Task Force consensus
O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a conduta clínica de médicos veterinários no atendimento de cães apresentando crises epilépticas por meio de um questionário. 12% afirmaram realizar exame neurológico, enquanto 85% realizam exames hematológicos; 72% solicitam tomografia computadorizada e 30% pedem sorologias para investigação de doenças infecciosas. Todos os veterinários prescrevem fenobarbital para o tratamento. O brometo de potássio foi citado por 19% dos entrevistados em associação ao fenobarbital. A dosagem sérica de fenobarbital é realizada por 51% dos entrevistados. Os resultados apontaram que não houve homogeneidade na conduta preconizada pelas diretrizes científicas sobre o tema
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