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Resumen de Dinámica de los homicidios dolosos en Amambay en el periodo 2014-2019

Diego Benjamín Molinas Delvalle

  • español

    Amambay es un departamento de la República de Paraguay, fronterizo con la República Federativa de Brasil, con tasas de homicidios superiores a 70 por cadacien mil habitantes. Al respecto, se pude afirmar que es el departamento que registra mayor violenciay cantidad de grupos armados vinculados al narcotráfico.Por ello, se analiza las dinámicas de los homicidios dolosos y la reacción del Estado a través de la investigaciónpenal entre elperiodo 2014-2019, a partir del estudio de datos de la Policía Nacionalrelacionados al tema y de sentencias judiciales condenatorias dictadas por Tribunales de Sentencias de la zona. En cuanto a la metodología, es de enfoquecuantitativo, nivel descriptivo y no experimental,pues describe las particularidades del fenómeno y no se realiza una relación entre conceptos y variables.Los hallazgos muestran quedichos hechos puniblestienen como principales protagonistas a los sicarios. Sin embargo, entre los años2014-2019, de 57 personas condenadas, el mayor porcentaje fueron por homicidios de tipo interpersonal equivalentes a 76%, es decir, los motivados por riñas o disputas personales que no tienen relación con facciones criminales o actividades del crimen organizado. Estos resultados, son alarmantes por lo que ameritan una investigación más profunda que permita llegar a las causas reales ya que inciden diferentes factores.

  • English

    Amambay is a Department of the Republic of Paraguay, it limits with the Federative Republic of Brazil, and its murder rate is higher than 70 per one hundred thousand inhabitants. In this respect, it can be said that Amambay is the department with the highest violence rate and also the presence of armed groups associated with drug trafficking. For this reason, the present paper analyses the dynamics of intentional homicide and the reaction of the State through the criminal investigations in the period 2014-2019, from analysis of information related to the topic and provided by the police, as well as from final judicial judgment ruled by the area’s Courts. The methodology is of quantitative approach, descriptive level and non-experimental, since it describes the particularities of this phenomenon and it does not make connection between the concepts and the variables. The findings show that these crimes are mostly committed by gunmen. Nevertheless, between the years 2014-2019, out of 57 convicted persons, the highest percentage was in prison for interpersonal homicide, which is equivalent to the 76% that means the crimes were motivated by fights and personal disputes that are not related to organized crime. These results are alarming and require a more profound investigation in order to get to their real causes, since several factors come into play.

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