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Resumen de La salud mental de los médicos que atienden COVID-19 en la Ciudad de México: una investigación antropológica

Rubén Muñoz

  • español

    Introduction: The objective of this article was to explore, from an anthropological perspective, the social representations that doctors who treat covid-19 in specialized hospitals in Mexico City have, regarding the relationship between their professional performance and the deterioration of their mental health; as well as their social representations of the existing institutional resources to provide them mental health attention and their care-seeking and self-care strategies. Materials and Methods: For this, a qualitative investigation was carried out with semi-structured interviews with 35 doctors who treat covid-19. Results: From the points of view of the doctors, various sociocultural and structural causes of mental illness related to their professional performance are documented and analyzed, as well as their representations about the inadequacy and/or ineffectiveness of the institution, group, or individual resources to provide them mental health attention; and some allopathic and non-biomedical forms of care-seeking and self-care. Conclusions: Recommendations are made to address the etiologies of the disease analyzed in a culturally and structurally appropriate way to the context of the pandemic.

  • English

    Introduction: The objective of this article was to explore, from an anthropological perspective, the social representations that doctors who treat covid-19 in specialized hospitals in Mexico City have, regarding the relationship between their professional performance and the deterioration of their mental health; as well as their social representations of the existing institutional resources to provide them mental health attention and their care-seeking and self-care strategies. Materials and Methods: For this, a qualitative investigation was carried out with semistructured interviews with 35 doctors who treat covid-19. Results: From the points of view of the doctors, various sociocultural and structural causes of mental illness related to their professional performance are documented and analyzed, as well as their representations about the inadequacy and/or ineffectiveness of the institution, group, or individual resources to provide them mental health attention; and some allopathic and non-biomedical forms of careseeking and self-care. Conclusions: Recommendations are made to address the etiologies of the disease analyzed in a culturally and structurally appropriate way to the context of the pandemic.

  • português

    Introdução: O objetivo deste artigo é explorar, a partir de uma perspectiva antropológica, as representações sociais que os médicos que tratam a covid-19 em hospitais especializados na Cidade do México, têm sobre a relação entre seu desempenho profissional e a deterioração de sua saúde mental; bem como os recursos institucionais existentes para cuidar da saúde mental e as estratégias de busca de cuidado e autocuidado. Materiais e métodos: Para isso, foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa com entrevistas semiestruturadas com 35 médicos que tratam da covid-19. Resultados: Do ponto de vista dos médicos, são documentadas e analisadas diversas causas socioculturais e estruturais do adoecimento mental relacionadas à sua atuação profissional, bem como suas representações sobre a inadequação e/ou ineficiência dos recursos institucionais, grupais ou individuais, disponíveis para atendê-los e algumas modalidades de busca de cuidado e autocuidado alopáticos e não biomédicos. Conclusões: São feitas recomendações para abordar institucionalmente as etiologias da doença relatadas pelos entrevistados de forma cultural e estruturalmente adequada no contexto da pandemia.

Fundación Dialnet

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