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Resumen de ¿En qué clase de persona me quiero convertir? Leer la realidad y compartir comunes con Sociología en contextos escolares

José Beltrán Llavador, Miguel Angel García Calavia, Carlos Hernández

  • español

    La ausencia de sociología en la enseñanza no universitaria en España es un grave déficit de nuestro sistema educativo que es necesario revertir. ¿Cómo se explica una educación sin sociedad? La reciente nueva ley educativa –LOMLOE– abre oportunidades para reintroducir la sociología como parte del currículum escolar. Esta contribución tiene como objetivo presentar una propuesta de sociología en acción, innovadora y aplicable, para la elaboración de “situaciones de aprendizaje” sociológicas (unidades didácticas) en el currículum de educación primaria (alfabetización cívica y memoria democrática), secundaria (optativa de proyectos interdisciplinarios), Bachillerato (optativa: proyectos de investigación) y de personas adultas (programa formativo de la Ley Valenciana de Formación de Personas Adultas). Una sociología que aspira a conseguir y compartir bienes comunes para un mundo común.

  • English

    The absence of sociology in non-university education in Spain is a serious deficit in our education system that needs to be reversed. How can we explain an education without society? The recent new education law –LOMLOE– opens up opportunities to reintroduce sociology as part of the school curriculum. This contribution aims to present an innovative and applicable sociology in action proposal for the development of sociological “learning situations” in the curriculum of primary education, secondary education, Baccalaureate and adult education. A sociology that aims to achieve and share common goods for a common world. In the Valencian Community, schools have the possibility to present interdisciplinary projects developed by the teaching teams or to implement pedagogical projects proposed by the Regional Ministry of Education. Here we present a methodological framework, which materialises in a pedagogical proposal of sociology in action, to reintroduce the sociological perspective in formal and non-formal educational contexts. This framework is based on three principles: the importance of contributing to the institutionalisation of sociology from an early age, the increasing need to educate the "sociological gaze" to explain and understand a changing world of growing complexity (to “read reality”), the commitment to educate democratic global citizens for the improvement of social reality. The sociological learning situations will be tested experimentally in educational centres with the help of the Training and Resources Centres (Cefire) of the Valencian Community.

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