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Resumen de Il giudicato come strumento di tutela dei diritti fondamentali dell’individuo: Ne bis in idem e concorso formale nel dialogo tra corte edu e corte costituzionale italiana

Diego Foti

  • Recently, the Italian Constitutional Court intervened again to clarify the scope of the principle of the ne bis in idem. The present contribution starts from this recent decision with specific regard to the case of multiple violations of criminal law carried out with a single conduct.

    The final decision does not seem acceptable, and new doubts arise about the conformity of the internal interpretation of the guarantee with the one given by the European Court of human rights and the European court of justice. It appears that the Italian Constitutional Court fails to overcome the unacceptable positions taken by the Italian Court of Cassation, reducing the protection granted to the individual at a supranational and international level.

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