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Resumen de Ne bis in idem e procedimento estradizionale: Il problema dell’efficacia preclusiva del provvedimento archiviativo nello scenario giuridico europeo

Antonella Falcone

  • This contribution is intended to investigate the transnational-horizontal level of the ne bis in idem principle within the European legal scenario, by examining whether the decision not to prosecute a criminal case in a Member State can prevent the criminal prosecution in another Member State, for the same facts and against the same person.

    Many are the interests at stake: from the freedoms to the rights of defence of the suspect and the accused, to the prevention of crimes, and to the respect of the rule of law.

    The paper further discusses the principle from the perspective of the extradition proceedings by analysing, specifically, whether the decision to terminate a case, issued in a State of the European Union (EU) for some facts against a person, can impede another Member State to surrender him to a third Country that has made a request to initiate a prosecution the eadem re et persona. Besides, such a question could equally arise whenever a surrender decision is delivered in a third Country with binding effects on a State belonging to the EU area The article ultimately proves that the presumption of respect of European Union law by each Member State does not always ensure an actual observance of the fundamental human rights, whose safeguarding, instead, enables the boosting of the mutual trust in the European legal framework.

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