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Resumen de Multi-agent LoRaWAN Network for End-of-Life Management of Electric Vehicle Batteries

Celia Garrido Hidalgo, Luis Roda Sanchez, Teresa Olivares Montes, F. Javier Ramirez, Antonio Fernández Caballero

  • The LoRaWAN standard has become one of the most extended Internet-of-Things technologies in both academia and industry due to its long communication range and high energy efficiency. Given the fast-growth expectations of the reverse logistics sector —partly caused by an imminent number of electric-vehicle batteries to be disposed of in the coming years—, the adoption of wireless machine-type communications promises several benefits towards products’ end-of-life monitoring and diagnosis. While LoRaWAN seems a suitable technology for this purpose, its scalability limitations need to be first resolved. To shed light on this matter, this work presents a multi-agent approach to support an efficient allocation of network resources in time-slotted communications running on top of LoRaWAN’s MAC layer. By considering different slot-length computation strategies, the multi-agent network components interact with joining LoRaWAN devices and assign them to the most convenient transmission schedule which, in turn, depends on both application and hardware-specific constraints. Our results point to network scalability improvements ranging from 43.22% to 86.54% depending on the slot-length computation strategy being applied

Fundación Dialnet

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