El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar un análisis comparativo de trayectorias de dos generaciones distintas de mujeres artistas circenses, madre e hija, del conurbano sur de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Se utilizarán sus relatos de vida corporizados para comprender qué experiencias vitales eran habilitadas y constreñidas en las diferentes coyunturas en las que vivían sus juventudes siendo artistas de circo y madres -en el contexto de los 90’ marcado por el neoliberalismo y en la efervecencia del Ni Una Menos desde 2015- y cómo se constituyen mutuamente el género y la corporalidad en las subjetividades feminizadas circenses en ambas condiciones epocales y qué transformaciones subjetivas emergieron del encuentro del activismo feminista y el circo.
The objective of this work is to carry out a comparative analysis of the trajectories of two different generations of female circus artists, mother and daughter, from the southern suburbs of the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Their embodied life stories will be used to understand what vital experiences were enabled and constrained in the different situations in which their youth lived as circus artists and mothers -in the context of the 90's marked by neoliberalism and in the effervescence of Ni One Less since 2015- and how gender and corporality are mutually constituted in feminized circus subjectivities in both epochal conditions and what subjective transformations emerged from the encounter of feminist activism and the circus. Finally, this article aims to contribute to the strengthening of the circus as a relevant art as well as to make visible the experiences of the artists from a feminist anthropology.
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