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Resumen de Can health authorities stop the medicalisation of childbirth? The case of Spain in the early 20th century

María Dolores Ruiz Berdún, Sheima Hossain López

  • español

    La medicalización del parto es un fenómeno global, que hunde sus raíces en los siglos pasados. Esta investigación expone las medidas que se tuvieron que tomar por parte de las autoridades sanitarias para luchar contra la medicalización del parto en España a principios del siglo XX. El episodio estuvo relacionado con un conocido obstetra, Miguel Orellano, quien había publicado algunos artículos defendiendo una nueva forma de atender un parto. Este nuevo método implicaba una gran cantidad de intervenciones innecesarias que convertían el parto en un acto quirúrgico mayor. Veremos si finalmente las autoridades sanitarias lograron su objetivo.

  • English

    The medicalisation of childbirth is a worldwide trend, that has its roots in past centuries. Despite being a widely studied phenomenon, the attempts taken to prevent its spread have rarely been addressed. This research presents the measures taken by the health authorities against the medicalisation of childbirth in Spain, in the early twentieth century. The episode was linked to a famous obstetrician, Miguel Orellano, who published several papers advocating a new method of conducting a delivery. This method involved a great deal of unnecessary intervention that turned delivery into a major surgical procedure. We will see if the health authorities have achieved their goal.

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