El presente ensayo intenta analizar cómo algunos órganos de prensa de la izquierda parlamentaria y extraparlamentaria italiana percibieron y representaron los acontecimientos que caracterizaron el gobierno de Allende en el período comprendido entre enero de 1972 y septiembre de 1973. Los diarios Avanti!, IlManifesto, Lotta Continua, l’Unità, y la revista de análisis político Rinascitase distinguieron por hacer una narración puntual y detallada de todas las fases del proceso contrarrevolucionario que condujeron al golpe del 11 de septiembre de 1973. Los periódicos observaron la situación chilena desde perspectivas muy diferentes que dieron lugar a evaluaciones políticas y posturas desiguales, cuyos constantes aportes en términos de reflexión y de análisis condicionarían el debate político interno del abigarrado mundo de la izquierda italiana.
The essay analyzes the perception and representation of the Salvator Allende’s government experience as it appears from the most representative Italian parliamentary and extra-parliamentary left newspapers, in the period between January 1972 and September 1973. The newspapers Avanti!, Lotta Continua, l’Unità, and the magazine of political analysis Rinascitawere characterized by a precise and detailed narrative of all phases of the Counter-revolutionary process culminated in the coup d’état of 11 September 1973. Highly differentiated were the perspectives from which each newspaper observed the “Chilean situation” as well as very differentiated were, in many cases, judgments, political evaluations, and the real field choices made by each newspaper. The chronicle of all events was accompanied by constant contributions in terms of reflection and analysis, with strong influence on the political debate inside the multifaceted world of the Italian left.
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