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Resumen de Arnaut Oihenarten Kobla berriak: lan inprimatuen edizioak eta aleak banaka ezagutu eta aztertu beharraz, xvii. mendeko euskarazko poema aurkitu berrien karietara

Gidor Bilbao Telletxea

  • euskara

    Artikulu honetan Arnaut Oihenarten (1592-1667) euskarazko 83 bertso-lerro ezezagun editatzen dira (hiru poema), zeinak Kobla berriak izenburuarekin Grenobleko Udal Bibliotekan aurkitu berri dugun ale inprimatu bati esker ezagutu baititugu. Kobla berriak liburuñoa testuinguru egokian kokatzeko, Oihenartek euskaraz, frantsesez eta latinez argitaraturiko lanen edizioak, aleak eta horien osagaiak aztertu dira. Euskarazko lan inprimatuei dagokienez, Vinsonek bere bibliografian aipaturiko sei aleak aztertu dira, eta beste lau orain arte Oihenarti buruzko ikerketetan aipatu gabeak. Ondorioztatu dugu Oihenartek urteetan zehar moldatu eta osatu ohi zituela idazlanak zuzenketaz, aldaketaz zein emendioz, are lanak inprimatu ondoren ere, eta, baieztapen horretatik abiatuta, Oihenarten euskarazko lan argitaratuak aurkezteko proposamen berria egin dugu. Azkenik, Oihenarten poesia-bildumen helburu nagusia bistaratu dugu: lan teorikoetan formulatu dituen metrikako eta prosodiako arauak praktikan zelan erabil daitezkeen erakustea, ahalik eta neurri eta estrofa sorta aberatsena eskainiz.

  • English

    This article publishes 83 hitherto unknown verses (three poems), written in Basque by Arnaut Oihenart (1592-1667), known to us thanks to a printed copy that we recently discovered in the Municipal Library of Grenoble under the name of Kobla berriak. To contextu- alize the short book Kobla berriak, we analyse the different editions and copies of the works pub- lished by Oihenart in Basque, French and Latin, as well as the different elements that make up each of them. Regarding the works printed in Basque, the six copies cited by Vinson in his bi- bliography have been analysed, as well as four other copies not cited up to now in the studies on Oihenart. We conclude that Oihenart gradually shaped his works with corrections, changes and additions, even after having published them, and, based on this statement, we propose a new ar- rangement and presentation of Oihenart’s works printed in Basque. Finally, we contend that the main objective of Oihenart’s collections of poems is to show in practice the variety of possibili- ties offered by the theoretical model he put forward for the metric and prosody of poetry in the Basque language.

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