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Resumen de Should i stay or should i go now: Conditions of participation in literacy and adult basic education (symposium)

Betty Becker Kurz, Marie Bickert, Maurice de Greef, Simone C. Ehmig, Pilar Figuera Gazo, Juan Llanes Ordóñez, Johanna Leck, David Mallows, Gwennaëlle Mulliez, Michael Schemmann, Bernhard Schmidt Hertha, Lena Sindermann, Veronika Thalhammer

  • Participation in literacy and adult basic education courses is seen as an opportunity to improve literacy skills inadulthood, promote social participation and create equal opportunities (OECD 2016). However, participation rates in thesecourses are relatively low. Thus, this symposium will focus on the complexity of participation behaviors and learners' barriers toparticipation in literacy and adult basic education programs. Four recent studies, which refer to learners’ behavior at differentstages in the process of participation, will be discussed. The guiding research question is: What dynamics of retention and dropout can be observed specifically in literacy and adult basic education?

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