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Resumen de Participación Ciudadana como Instrumento de Corresponsabilidad en la Formulación de Políticas Públicas Locales

Luis Castro Pinargote, Yandry Mantuano Zambrano

  • español

    El artículo tiene como propósito investigativo el Interpretar las teorías propuestas sobre la participación ciudadana en cuanto a su corresponsabilidad en la formulación de políticas públicas locales; el cual tiene como directrices para su alcance: Identificar los postulados sobre participación ciudadana desde la perspectiva de políticas públicas, y reflexionar sobre la corresponsabilidad de la ciudadanía en la formulación de políticas públicas locales. Se parte de un paradigma fenomenológico-interpretativo, con un diseño metodológico de perspectiva cualitativa, siendo de tipo descriptiva-interpretativa, facilitando el poder caracterizar los componentes temáticos desde una representación triangular de los principales componentes de la investigación (teorías, posturas de entrevistados y criterios propios de los investigadores), en la que se ha dado un proceso de comparación constante (saturación teórica). Entre los instrumentos de recolección de información se encuentran la observación participante (con sus correspondientes notas) y la entrevista semiestructurada aplicada a expertos académicos e investigadores sobre los temas abordados: participación ciudadana y políticas públicas focalizadas. La estrategia de análisis está basada en la Teoría Fundamentada (Strauss y Corbin, 2012); se obtiene como hallazgo una categoría central denominada: Participación ciudadana como instrumento de corresponsabilidad en la formulación de políticas públicas locales. Esta se presenta como una idea de buena praxis dentro de la administración pública local.  

  • English

    The research purpose of the article is to interpret the proposed theories on citizen participation in terms of its co-responsibility in the formulation of local public policies; which has as guidelines for its scope: Identify the postulates on citizen participation from the perspective of public policies, and reflect on the co-responsibility of citizens in the formulation of local public policies. It is based on a phenomenological-interpretative paradigm, with a methodological design of qualitative perspective, being descriptive-interpretive, facilitating the characterization of the thematic components from a triangular representation of the main components of the research (theories, positions of interviewees and criteria of the researchers), in which there has been a process of constant comparison (theoretical saturation). Among the instruments for collecting information are participant observation (with its corresponding notes) and semi-structured interviews with academic experts and researchers on the topics addressed: citizen participation and focused public policies. The analysis strategy is based on Grounded Theory (Strauss and Corbin, 2012); a central category called: Citizen participation as an instrument of co-responsibility in the formulation of local public policies is obtained as a finding. This is presented as an idea of good practice within the local public administration.  The research purpose of the article is to interpret the proposed theories on citizen participation in terms of its co-responsibility in the formulation of local public policies; which has as guidelines for its scope: Identify the postulates on citizen participation from the perspective of public policies, and reflect on the co-responsibility of citizens in the formulation of local public policies. It is based on a phenomenological-interpretative paradigm, with a methodological design of qualitative perspective, being descriptive-interpretive, facilitating the characterization of the thematic components from a triangular representation of the main components of the research (theories, positions of interviewees and criteria of the researchers), in which there has been a process of constant comparison (theoretical saturation). Among the instruments for collecting information are participant observation (with its corresponding notes) and semi-structured interviews with academic experts and researchers on the topics addressed: citizen participation and focused public policies. The analysis strategy is based on Grounded Theory (Strauss and Corbin, 2012); a central category called: Citizen participation as an instrument of co-responsibility in the formulation of local public policies is obtained as a finding. This is presented as an idea of good practice within the local public administration.  

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