Esta investigación se realizó con el propósito elaborar acciones de innovación participativa para el cultivo agroecológico del pimentón (Capsicum annuum L.) en el sector La Alcantarilla del municipio Antonio José de Sucre en Barinas Venezuela. Para lo cual se desarrolló un diagnóstico rural participativo. Se demostró la efectividad del humus de lombriz y el estiércol vacuno en la producción agroecológica del pimentón constituyéndose en alternativas de producción limpia en el predio. El humus de lombriz como abono orgánico fue más viable económicamente que el fertilizante químico, ubicándose como una vía para la eliminación de externalidades y para la optimización de la producción en las dimensiones financiera, social y ambiental. Se corroboró el empoderamiento del conocimiento básico necesario para la producción agroecológica, con la implementación de la tecnología de producción a base de recursos endógenos, la cosecha y el manejo de los abonos orgánicos.
This research aims to develop participatory innovation actions for the agroecological cultivation of paprika (Capsicum annuum L.) in the area of Alcantarilla of the municipality Antonio José de Sucre in Barinas Venezuela. For which a participatory rural diagnosis was developed, research was applied in the action through the experimentation with the use of two organic fertilizers based on available endogenous resources, as well as workshops, field days and training actions. From the stages developed it was obtained that the community showed a marked interest in the introduction of agroecology to recognize it as important and prefer it for commercialization, which marked the possibility of managing in their culture the agroecological production of paprika regardless of the little knowledge demonstrated on this. The endogenous resources selected as organic fertilizers presented physical and chemical characteristics superior to the natural soil of the sector, constituting this a scientific argument that justifies the use of these in the farm. The effectiveness of worm humus and bovine manure in the agroecological production of paprika was demonstrated, constituting alternatives of clean production in the farm. Wormwood humus as an organic fertilizer was more economically viable than chemical fertilizer, placing it as a way to eliminate externalities and optimize production in the financial, social and environmental dimensions. The empowerment of the basic knowledge necessary for agroecological production was confirmed, with the implementation of production technology based on endogenous resources, harvesting and management of organic fertilizers.
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