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Resumen de Reading and creation as an alternative to teaching reading and writing: A case from Ecuador

Cristhian Sarango Jaramillo, Paul González‐Torres

  • The present study attempts to explain the most important pointsof the community service project called “Reading and Creation”in which students from the distance system from a university inLoja participated. The students were enrolled in the programs ofSpanish Language and Literature, Elementary Education, andInitial Education during the academic term April‐August 2018.The objective of the project was to promote reading habits and theability to enjoy reading, as well as to implement, expand and/orupdate libraries in educational institutions that are beneficiariesof the project. Additionally, this is an educational endeavor sincewe aim to form students who will be able to criticize and reflectupon the reality of their social environment. Our methodologyemphasizes the stimulation of imagination, memory, oral andwritten expression through comprehension reading workshops;thus, instilling an analytic attitude in students that is based on theprinciples of Project‐based Learning (PBL). In this respect, theresults expected will be encouraging because, according to theevaluation, it was demonstrated that the students’ interest inreading has increased. Therefore, the present study indicates thatthe student’s interest increased due to the contribution of the pre‐service teachers of the aforementioned programs, the increase ofthe editorial fund destined to the students, and the developmentof an appropriate methodology for the Ecuadorian context. In thisway, the students’ axiological and anthropological idiosyncrasyimproved, which allows them to enhance their communicativeabilities

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