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Resumen de Fenomeni di Elabor Azione Sintattica in Italiano Antico: Il caso della subordinazione a verbo non finito

Paolo Greco

  • This paper aims at providing a discussion on ’Ausbau‘ phenomena and on the influence of Latin syntactic models in the development of ancient Italian in the 14th century. This subject is addressed through the analysis of the characteristics of non-finite subordinate clauses in five ancient Italian texts: three translations from Latin classical texts and two ’original‘ chronicles. The comparison between these two types of texts will highlight the interactions between translations and ’original‘ texts and the relevance of the notion of discourse tradition in the analysis of ’Ausbau‘ phenomena in Medieval Italian texts. Finally, a general typology of the processes of syntactic elaboration and of the relationships between Medieval Italian syntactic structures and Latin models is also provided.

Fundación Dialnet

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