Elena Salvador García, Jorge García Valldecabres, María José Viñals Blasco, Salvador Moret Colomer
The conservation of the architectural heritage and its transmission to future generations is asocial responsability. The public use of the architectural heritage sites contributes to give themongoing life while retaining memories and knowledge, and promotes the social interest for itsconservation. Generally, the most important challenge for managing public use is to establish asustainable relationship between visitors and heritage assets. Heritage Building InformationModeling (HBIM) has proven to be a useful tool for improving the efficiency in managing the useand the maintenance of historic buildings.This paper aims to show how HBIM model operates by developing the case study of thereligious complex of San Juan del Hospital (València, Spain), following the Design ScienceResearch (DSR) methodological approach. Results indicate that HBIM models really facilitatethe management of the public use of the heritage sites, optimize the planning and strategicdecision making process in the definition of the touring pattern, and facilitate the estimation ofthe recreational carrying capacity. Thus, HBIM contributes to minimize the visitor negativeimpacts and to improve the quality of the visitors' experience.
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