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Resumen de Fabrikazio gehigarriaren eta forjaren hibridazioa sektore aeronautikorako Inconel 718 piezen fabrikazio eraginkorrerako

Oier Barrenetxea, Oihane Murua de la Mata, Jon Iñaki Arrizubieta Arrate, Aitzol Lamikiz Mentxaka, Eneko Ukar Arrien

  • euskara

    Lan honetan Inconel 718 piezen fabrikazio-prozedura eraginkorragoa posible ote den aztertzeko lehen urratsak eman dira, batez ere etorkizunean sektore aeronautikoan erabiltzeko. Forja prozesuak propietate mekaniko oso onak eskaintzen ditu, baina geometria-konplexutasun mugatua dauka. Aldiz, fabrikazio gehigarriak diseinu-askatasun handia ematen du, baina prozesu honekin fabrikaturiko piezen portaeraren inguruan ziurgabetasuna handiagoa da. Hortaz, lan honetan bi prozesu horien arteko hibridazioa aztertu da, prozesu bakoitzaren alderdi ahulei aurre egiteko asmoz. Zehazki, fabrikazio gehigarriaren barneko Laser bidezko Zuzeneko Energia Gehikuntza (L-ZEG) —ingelesez L-DED— teknologia erabili da, materiala desira den gunean gehitzeko aukera eskaintzen duelako eta, beraz, hibridaziorako prozesu egokia delako. Ikerlan honetan, lehendabizi forjaturiko Inconel 718 oinarriaren gainean L-DED bidez xehetasunak gehitzeko parametro optimoak zehaztu dira. Honela, loturaren kalitatea analisi metalografiko bidez baieztatu da. Bigarren pauso batean, trakzioko saiakuntza bidez, fabrikazio-prozesu bien arteko lotura mekanikoa egokia dela ikusi da eta bi prozesuen hibridazioa bideragarria dela ondorioztatu da.

  • English

    The present work takes the first steps towards a more efficient Inconel 718 material manufacturing process, which are focussed mainly on the aeronautic sector. Although the mechanical properties obtained by the forging process are excellent, the geometrical complexity is restricted. On the contrary, even if the additive manufacturing (AM) process offers a huge design freedom, there is not enough knowledge regarding the behaviour of the AM manufactured parts. Therefore, in this paper, the hybridization between the commented two processes is researched to overcome the weaknesses of each process. Precisely, the Laser-Directed Energy Deposition (L-DED) technology is selected among the AM processes due to its potential for adding material in the desired area, and though it is appropriate for the hybridization. First of all, the parametrization of the deposited Inconel 718 powder on a forged base is realized and the optimum parameters for the subsequent manufacturing are obtained. A metallography analysis is carried out to ensure the quality of the results. Thereby, after performing the tensile test and obtaining correct mechanical joining values between both processes, the analysed hybridization has been concluded to be feasible.

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