Pedro Sánchez, Araitz Iturregi Aio, Diego González, Pablo Eguía López, Unai Villena Camarero
The electric arc is a phenomenon that takes place in electrical switching devices. When the contacts of a switch separate, the electrical current passing through the switching device passes from the switch contacts to the insulating gas ionizing it and the electric arc is formed. The electric arc often causes undesirable effects in the switches, and in order to minimize them, the main objective of this work is to analyse if hydrogen is suitable as insulating gas for switching devices. To achieve the aforementioned, the Navier-Stokes equations and Finite Volume Method (FVM) will be applied, and MagnetoHydroDynamic simulations (MHD) will be performed using ANSYS CFX software. The most significant variables will be extracted to predict the behaviour of the arc, such as voltage, temperature and pressure. By comparing the results with the results obtained on those switching devices where air has been used as insulating medium, it will be deduced if hydrogen is the appropriate gas for this application.
Arku elektrikoa etengailuetan gertatzen den efektua da. Etengailuaren kontaktuak bata bestetik aldentzen direnean, etengailutik pasatzen den korronte elektrikoa kontaktuetatik etengailuaren gas isolatzailera pasatzen da, eta hau ionizatuz, bertan arku elektrikoa sortzen da. Arku elektrikoak efektu ez-desiragarriak sor ditzake etengailuetan; beraz, efektu horiek murrizteko asmoz, lan honen helburu nagusia hidrogenoaren baliagarritasuna aztertzea da etengailuaren gas isolatzaile modura. Horretarako, Navier-Stokesen ekuazioak eta Bolumen Finituen Metodoa (ingelesez, Finite Volume Method, FVM) oinarritzat hartuz, simulazio Magnetohidrodinamikoak (ingelesez, Magnetohydrodynamics, MHD) definitu dira ANSYS CFX programaren bitartez. Hala, arku elektrikoaren prozesuan oinarrizkoak diren aldagaiak kalkulatu dira, hala nola, tentsioa, tenperatura eta presioa. Emaitza horiek airea isolatzaile modura darabilten etengailuetan lortutakoekin alderatuz, hidrogenoa simulatutako aplikaziorako gas egokia den ala ez ondorioztatuko da.
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