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Resumen de Crocifisso nelle aule scolastiche: da obbligo normativo a facoltà per la giurisprudenza

Marco Canonico

  • This paper examines the judgment of the Court of Cassation, handed down in unified session, which, in disciplinary proceedings against a teacher, deals with the question of the legitimacy of displaying crucifixes in state school classrooms. Although the decision held that the provisions of a regulatory nature requiring the display of the crucifix were still formally in force, it adopted an original interpretation of them, which went beyond the requirement to display the crucifix, legitimizing its presence on a voluntary basis, the result of a free choice by the students, with the possible display of other religious symbols. The proposed solution does, however, raise a number of concerns, especially as regards its compatibility with the principle of the secularity of the State and the protection of the religious freedom of those concerned.

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