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Resumen de La Prueba de Acceso a la Universidad como pieza esencial del sistema educativo

Esther Seijas Villadangos

  • español

    La prueba de acceso a la Universidad puede concebirse como un auténtico laboratorio jurídico-constitucional que permite afrontar muchos de los problemas medulares del Estado Constitucional español del siglo xxi (la igualdad entre los ciudadanos, la distribución territorial del poder, las debilidades de la forma de gobierno parlamentaria o la politización de la educación y del orden constitucional). Este análisis se aborda desde su cualificación, a partir de atributos constitucionales (igualdad, mérito y capacidad, no discriminación), desgranados de unos referentes formales, como la delimitación competencial o la pluralidad de fuentes que confluyen en su diseño y materiales, como el principio de igualdad. El objeto es analizar un proceso abierto, a la luz de la constante provisionalidad con la que se ha concebido esta prueba, que es un privilegiado crisol de cómo se implementan las garantías constitucionales del derecho a la educación.

  • English

    The university entrance test can be understood as an authentic legal-constitutional laboratory that allows us to confront many of the core problems of the Spanish Constitutional State of the 21st century (equality among citizens, the territorial distribution of power, the weaknesses of the parliamentary form of government or the politicization of education and of the constitutional order). This analysis is approached from its qualification, based on constitutional attributes (equality, merit and ability, non-discrimination), shelled from formal references, such as the delimitation of competences or the plurality of sources that converge in its design, and material ones, such as the principle of equality. The purpose is to analyze an open process, in the light of the constant provisionality with which this test has been conceived, which is a privileged crucible of how the constitutional guarantees of the right to education are implemented.

    Summary: 1. FOREWORD. 2. THE UNIVERSITY ACCESS TEST IN THE PLU­RIDIMENSIONAL CONSTITUTIONAL CONFIGURATION OF THE RIGHT TO EDUCATION. 2.1. Education versus teaching. 2.2. Access versus admission. 3. LEGAL PROFILES OF THE UNIVERSITY ENTRANCE EXAMINATION. 3.1. Normative Iter: the perpetuation of the provisional. 3.2. Objective and purpose of the entrance examina­tion. 3.3. Formal constitutional coordinates. A) Competence delimitation on the access examination. B) The plurality of normative sources involved in its design. 3.4. Material constitutional coordinates. A) The constitutional attributes of the entrance examination. B) The areas and subjects involved. a) Three areas: State, Autonomous Communities and Universities. b) Three subjects: students, families and representatives of centers. 4. STRESS TEST TO THE TEST: LEGE DATA, FROM ITS IM­PLEMENTATION IN TIMES OF PANDEMIC OR, LEGE FERENDA, FROM THE UNCERTAINTY OF THE MATURITY TESTS. 5. FINAL REFLECTION

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