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Resumen de Analysing language produced by Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Miriam Kobierski

  • español

    El uso del lenguaje es esencial para la vida. A medida que la humanidad progresa, también busca comunicarse con otros seres. El objetivo principal de este artículo es analizar el lenguaje producido por la Inteligencia Artificial. Se realizaron dos experimentos, ambos basados en un corpus de textos producidos por AI. El primer experimento es un análisis textual de textos producidos por inteligencia artificial. Examinaré estos textos desde el punto de vista lingüístico y analizaré el contenido. A continuación, estos hallazgos se compararon con artículos escritos por escritores humanos para mostrar las diferencias o similitudes que pudieran aparecer. El segundo experimento es una prueba de Turing, donde pruebo cuántos participantes pueden diferenciar entre textos producidos por IA y escritores humanos. Los resultados de los experimentos muestran que AI pudo convencer a varios participantes del estudio de que el texto presentado fue escrito por un escritor humano.

  • English

    The use of language is essential to life. As humanity progresses, it seeks to communicate with other beings as well. The main objective of this article is to analyse the language produced by Artificial Intelligence (AI). Two experiments were conducted, both of which are based on a corpus of texts produced by AI. The first experiment is a textual analysis of texts produced by AI. I shall be looking at these texts from the linguistic side as well as analysing the content. Next, these findings were compared with articles written by human writers in order to showcase the differences or similarities that may appear. The second experiment is a Turing test, where I test how many participants are able to differentiate between texts produced by AI and human writers. The results of the experiments show that AI was able to convince several participants of the study that the presented text was written by a human writer.

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