Quito, Ecuador
Quito, Ecuador
La adolescencia constituye una etapa crítica, que plantea una serie de exigencias y demanda determinadas destrezas intelectuales y conductuales de parte del sujeto. La inteligencia emocional es la facultad para identificar estados anímicos, controlar impulsos y gestionar emociones propias de tal forma que no afecten el bienestar individual, la producción laboral e interrelación con los demás. El escaso desarrollo de inteligencia emocional o una inadecuada gestión, puede ser factor causal de comportamientos inadecuados, entre los que figuran conductas de tipo disruptivo; caracterizadas por incumplimiento de normas, desobediencia, ignorancia de límites y hostilidad hacia la figura de autoridad o aquellas que hacen demandas específicas para cumplir ciertas normas y obligaciones; que se manifiestan en el medio familiar, escolar, laboral y social. Así, el presente trabajo tuvo por objeto determinar la relación entre inteligencia emocional y conductas disruptivas en adolescentes de Santo Domingo. Esta investigación se basó en el paradigma post- positivista, tuvo un diseño no experimental, de modalidad cuantitativa con alcance descriptivo correlacional, de corte transversal. Los instrumentos que se emplearon fueron Bar-On ICE (para medir inteligencia emocional), Escala de Problemas Emocionales y Conductuales (para determinar conductas disruptivas); la muestra seleccionada fue adolescentes escolarizados entre los 12 a 16 años, de una unidad educativa del cantón Santo Domingo. Los principales resultados determinaron que en el grupo destaca su lado interpersonal anclado a un mayor grado de pensamientos y conductas disruptivas. Se concluye, de este modo que, a mayor grado de socialización en los estudiantes, mayor nivel de pensamientos y conductas disruptivas
Adolescence is a critical stage, which poses a series of demands and demands certain intellectual and behavioral skills from the subject. Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify moods, control impulses and manage own emotions in such a way that they do not affect individual well-being, work production and interrelation with others. The poor development of emotional intelligence or inadequate management can be a causal factor for inappropriate behaviors, among which are disruptive behaviors; characterized by non-compliance with rules, disobedience, ignorance of limits and hostility towards authority figures or those who make specific demands to comply with certain rules and obligations; that manifest themselves in the family, school, work and social environment. Thus, the purpose of this work was to determine the relationship between emotional intelligence and disruptive behaviors in adolescents in Santo Domingo. This research was based on the post-positivist paradigm, had a non-experimental design, quantitative modality with correlational descriptive scope, cross-sectional. The instruments used were Bar-On ICE (to measure emotional intelligence), Emotional and Behavioral Problems Scale (to determine disruptive behaviors); The selected sample was school adolescents between the ages of 12 and 16, from an educational unit in the Santo Domingo canton. The main results determined that the interpersonal side of the group stands out, anchored to a greater degree of disruptive thoughts and behaviors. It is concluded, in this way, that the higher the degree of socialization in the students, the higher the level of disruptive thoughts and behaviors.
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