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Resumen de Ohantze iturrituaren erabilera hiri hondakinen aprobetxamendurako

Miriam Arabiourrutia Gallastegui, Roberto Aguado Zarraga, Martín Olazar Aurrekoetxea, P. González, R. Prieto

  • English

    The structure of polymeric wastes is made up of long chains that are cracked when they are under the influence of heat. Consequently, the products of this reaction are molecules of similar nature but of lower molecular weight. For this reason, pyrolysis or degradation under inert atmosphere is considered to be one of the more encouraging routes for valorization of these materials. Spouted beds are interesting alternative reactors for carrying out this process whenever other more common technologies, as fluidized beds, have limitations. This is the case in the pyrolysis of municipal wastes, where fluidized beds require a great amount of sand (over 90%) and may have defluidization. In this paper, the results obtained for the last few years in the pyrolysis of municipal solid wastes (sawdust plastics and tyres) carried out in a conical spouted will be presented.

  • euskara

    Hondakin polimerikoen egitura kate molekular luzeetan oinarritzen da, zeintzuk berotuz gero, sortutako bibrazioaren ondorioz apurtu egiten diren. Erreakzioaren produktuak natura berdineko baina tamainu txikiagoko molekulak izango dira.

    Horregatik zientzilariek pirolisia, edo atmosfera geldoan egindako degradaketa termikoa, balioztapen biderik erakargarrienatzat dute. Ohantze iturritua gehien erabili diren erreaktoreen alternatiba interesgarria da, batez ere hauek mugatuak egiten direnean. Egoera ezberdinen artean, hiri hondakinen pirolisiarenak ez dira egokienak ohiko erreaktoreak erabiltzeko, eta beraz arlo honetan ohantze iturritua oso egokia agertzen da. Lan honetan azken hamar urteetan hiru hiri hondakinen (zerrautsa, plastikoa eta gurpilak) pirolisian eite konikoko ohantze iturrituzko erreaktoreetan egindako ikerketa laburtuko da.

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