La llegada a Trillo de un coleccionista privado, fue el germen de una serie de cursos de restauración, que tuvieron por objeto la adecuación de un grupo de piezas etnológicas. De este modo se generó la idea futura de componer una exposición permanente en la localidad. A ese grupo inicial, se sumaron donaciones y préstamos de gentes de la comarca, formando un variado e interesante conjunto de piezas. En 2007 el ayuntamiento encargó al que suscribe el diseño y montaje de dicha exposición, cuya sede estaría en un antiguo local, en el centro del casco histórico. Así, aunque el proceso de montaje se llevó a cabo en varios momentos, en función del aporte de piezas; desde el principio se diseñó un esquema museológico que permitiera un buen desarrollo en el futuro.
The arriving of a private collector to Trillo, was the real beginning of a serie of restoring´s courses, which had as main achievment: .forming a collection of ethnologic pieces.Then, like this, the future idea of building a permanent exhibition for the town, was born. To this first group of pieces, more donations and objects for hire were added by people of the region, forming a varied and interesting group of old pieces and objects. In 2007, the local government requested to the author of this article himself, the assembly of that exhibition, whose headquarters would be in an old building, just in the middle of the old town. After that, even the process of assembly was slow and accomplished in different moments (depending on the moment of contribution of pieces by the owners); since the beginning the idea was as well a museography diagram which would afford a great develop and organized growth for the collection in the future.
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