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Resumen de Bestiaria vida de Cecilia Eudave: una lectura feminista del bestiario hispanoamericano

Jafté Dilean Robles Lomelí

  • español

    El recorrido histórico de los bestiarios desde el Medioevo hasta nuestros días nos permitereconocer cierto sesgo machista que lo caracteriza desde sus inicios; sin embargo,en la novela breve Bestiaria vida, de Cecilia Eudave, la autora mexicana subvierte estoscondicionamientos y se apropia del mecanismo y la estructura del bestiario tradicionaldesde una óptica del cuerpo y las preocupaciones metafísicas de la mujer.


  • English

    Through Donna Haraway’s feminist theories and her position in relation to sight, I analyze the fantastic characters and creatures of the short novel Bestiaria vida, written by Cecilia Eudave. A historical examination of the bestiaries from the Middle Ages to the present day allows us to recognize a macho bias that characterizes them, however, in this novel, the Mexican author subverts these conditions and appropriates the mechanism and structure of the traditional bestiary from a female point of view and metaphysical concerns

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