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Resumen de Labor Market Power and Development

Tristany Armangué Jubert, Nezih Guner, Alessandro Ruggieri

  • Imperfectcompetitioninlabormarketscanleadtoefficiencylossesandloweraggregateoutput. In thispaper,westudywhether differences in competitiveness of labormarketscanhelpexplain differences inGDPper capitaacrosscountries.Westructurallyestimateamodel of oligopsony with freeentry for countriesat different stagesof development andshow that the labor supply elasticity,whichdetermines theextent of firms’ labor market power, is increasingwithGDPper capita.Wagemark-downs range from55percent among low-income countries toaround23 percent among the richest.Output per capita inpoorer countrieswould increasebyup to 69 percent if their labormarketswereascompetitiveas incountriesat the topof thedevelopment ladder.

Fundación Dialnet

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