Se examinan los vínculos entre las relaciones que los sujetos establecen con lo transcendente y las que mantienen consigo mismos y los demás en La vida es sueño de Calderón. Gracias especialmente al proceso de evolución del protagonista, Segismundo, se ahonda en las claves de la maduración integral. Se exploran la actualidad del tema y sus enseñanzas. Se advierte que la visión de lo transcendente y de la propia identidad influyen en la forma de orientar las relaciones consigo mismo y los otros, a la vez que son influidas por ello. Se concluye el valor de articular un vínculo con la transcendencia y con la propia subjetividad que propicie encuentros intersubjetivos fecundos.
This text examines the close links that exist between the relationships that subjects establish with the transcendent,and those that maintain at the same time with themselves and with others. It analyzes this specific issue in La vida es sueño by Calderón. Thanks especially to the process of evolution lived in this sense by its protagonist, Sigismund, we pay atention to the fundamental keys of integral maturation. Throughout the work, we explore this topic in our society and the profound teachings that derive from its research. It is concluded that the personal vision that people have of God and of their own identity and origin, together with the ties that bind them to the highest, have a powerful influence on their peculiar way of orienting their relationships with themselves and with others. From all this, the value of articulating a link with transcendence and with one’s own subjectivity that fosters fruitful intersubjective encounters, is also derived
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