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Resumen de Education effects on job-related constructs among front line employees in the hotel industry

Marija Cimbaljević, Dunja Demirović, Sanja Kovačić, Ivana Blesic, Tatjana Pivac

  • To make tourism enterprises function harmoniously and in order to achieve good business results, knowledgeable, engaged, serviceoriented, and therefore satisfied staff is crucial, because human resources are one of the most important segments of the service quality in tourism and hospitality industry. The study explored moderating effects of education on relationships between service orientation and work engagement on employees’ job satisfaction among employees in the hotel industry in Serbia. The moderating effects of education are particularly noticeable between service orientation and job satisfaction.

    Also, the results indicated that employees who had a high school degree showed the lowest level of job satisfaction, as well as service orientation and work engagement. On the other side, employees who have tourism education indicated less job satisfaction, service orientation and work engagement. Based on the insight into the employees' attitudes and behavior, managers can organize various training programs especially for employees with lower education levels, to remove any obstacles in their work, motivate them more and improve working conditions.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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