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Resumen de Capítulo 8. Problema del anonimato de donantes dentro de las Técnicas de Reproducción Humana Asistida

Andrea Lisseth Duran Ramírez, Ana Fabiola Zamora Vázquez, Enrique Eugenio Pozo Cabrera, Diego Fernando Trelles Vicuña, Esteban Javier Polo Pazmiño

  • español

    Hace tiempo atrás la única forma de ser padres para las parejas infértiles era la adopción. Hoy en día, la ciencia y la biotecnología ha evolucionado a pasos agigantados permitiendo a través de procedimientos de reproducción asistida solucionar este problema. El objetivo de esta investigación hace alusión al anonimato de donantes surgiendo un debate si conocer la verdad biológica o mantener en secreto la identidad de quienes por un acto altruista donaron su material genético para que terceros puedan paliar su infertilidad. Este trabajo se realizó a través de un enfoque cualitativo, con un alcance descriptivo, utilizando métodos con el inductivo – deductivo, analítico – sintético y dogmático – jurídico. Este esfuerzo académico se centra en comprender el anonimato dentro de las técnicas de reproducción humana asistida, pues en la actualidad existen legislaciones a favor y en contra, lo preocupante resulta el silencio normativo que existe respecto a estos temas de actualidad en el ordenamiento jurídico ecuatoriano, que al no contar con regulación vulnera el derecho de las personas intervinientes en estos procesos como los usuarios, el niño fruto del tratamiento y el personal sanitario como tal. Además, este tema se relaciona con otros derechos como la filiación, el derecho a la verdad biológica, el derecho a la intimidad, entre otros.

  • English

    Long ago the only way to be parents for infertile couples was adoption. Today, science and biotechnology have evolved by leaps and bounds, allowing assisted reproduction procedures to solve this problem. The objective of this research refers to the anonymity of donors, arising a debate whether to know the biological truth or keep secret the identity of those who, through an altruistic act, donated their genetic material so that third parties can alleviate their infertility. This work was carried out through a qualitative approach, with a descriptive scope, using inductive–deductive, analytical–synthetic and dogmatic–legal methods. This academic effort focuses on understanding anonymity within assisted human reproduction techniques, since there are currently laws for and against, what is worrying is the regulatory silence that exists regarding these current issues in the Ecuadorian legal system, that by not having regulation violates the right of the people involved in these processes such as users, the minor product of the treatment and the health personnel as such. In addition, this issue is related to other rights such as filiation, the right to biological truth, the right to privacy, among others.

  • português

    Long ago the only way to be parents for infertile couples was adoption. Today, science and biotechnology have evolved by leaps and bounds, allowing assisted reproduction procedures to solve this problem. The objective of this research refers to the anonymity of donors, arising a debate whether to know the biological truth or keep secret the identity of those who, through an altruistic act, donated their genetic material so that third parties can alleviate their infertility. This work was carried out through a qualitative approach, with a descriptive scope, using inductive–deductive, analytical–synthetic and dogmatic–legal methods. This academic effort focuses on understanding anonymity within assisted human reproduction techniques, since there are currently laws for and against, what is worrying is the regulatory silence that exists regarding these current issues in the Ecuadorian legal system, that by not having regulation violates the right of the people involved in these processes such as users, the minor product of the treatment and the health personnel as such. In addition, this issue is related to other rights such as filiation, the right to biological truth, the right to privacy, among others

Fundación Dialnet

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