Se presentan los resultados de un proyecto FONDART orientado a describir sistemáticamente pinturas y grabados rupestres de tres cuevas emplazadas en el litoral de la Patagonia septentrional chilena, recientemente descubiertas. Se registraron 47 pinturas rojas y nueve grabados lineales, con variaciones en la distribución de los motivos, tanto al interior de cada cueva como entre ellas. Aunque no se alcanzó la base de los depósitos, los trabajos realizados proveen el marco inicial para futuros estudios.
This paper presents the results of a FONDART project aimed at describing the first rock art found on the coasts of the Northern Patagonian channels. The project involved exhaustive, systematic records of the wall paintings and engravings found. Forty-seven paintings were recorded (mostly lines, dots and spots, all in red) as well as nine engravings. Some distributional patterns are noted. Although the bottom of the depositional sequence could not be reached and the answer to many research questions (e .g. the cultural affiliation of the occupants) is still pending, analyses of both surface and subsurface records (rock art and mobile items) provided enough information to move beyond vague speculation and formulate basic hypotheses that can be tested in future research.
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