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Resumen de Das Staduto de laudabilæ bachetæ di Marebe

Paul Videsott, Gerda Videsott, Philipp Tolloi

  • Romance texts dating from the beginning of the 17th century are relatively rare in South Tyrol, but also in the Ladin valleys of Badia and Gardena, because the administration of these two valleys preferred to use German. The few examples of the use of Romance in the Ladin valleys therefore deserve special attention: on the one hand, because they allow conclusions to be drawn on the degree of multilingualism at the time; on the other hand, because their linguistic form is sometimes characterised by code-mixing, which manifests itself in particular in the fact that the formulaic parts of the texts are generally in (Northern) Italian, while the specifically content-related parts are often interspersed with Ladinisms. Such a text, more precisely the translation of the statutes of the jurisdiction of Enneberg (Marebbe) made in 1614 by the then chancellor Caspar d’Alfarëi from the original version codified in German in 1566, is edited here for the first time and analysed and commented on from a historical and linguistic point of view.

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