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Resumen de Autoras inglesas publicadas durante el Franquismo. Jane Austen, Mary Shelley, Charlotte Brontë, George Eliot y Anne Brontë

Caterina Riba Sanmartí, Carme Sanmartí

  • español

    Este artículo analiza la recepción de cinco autoras inglesas del siglo xix, Jane Austen, Mary Shelley, Charlotte Brontë, George Eliot y Anne Brontë, traducidas al español y publicadas en España durante la época franquista. El estudio se centra en las diez novelas de estas escritoras que superaron la rigurosa censura administrativa y se publicaron por primera vez entre 1939 y 1975: Sense and Sensibility, Mansfield Park y Emma de Jane Austen; The Professor, Shirley y Villette de Charlotte Brontë; Agnes Grey y The Tenant of Wildfell Hall de Anne Brontë; Janet’s Repentance de George Eliot, y Frankenstein de Mary Shelley. Para elucidar los motivos que llevaron a la censura a autorizar la publicación de estas autoras de tradición protestante, se han examinado todos los expedientes de censura referentes a los libros tratados (49 expedientes) y se han tenido en cuenta las valoraciones de los catálogos morales que circulaban durante el franquismo. También se ha llevado a cabo un análisis comparativo en traducciones para verificar si se produjeron transformaciones significativas en el proceso de traducción. La censura fue muy laxa con las autoras analizadas y las novelas se publicaron sin muchos reparos.

  • português

    Este artigo analisa a receção de cinco autoras inglesas do século XIX: Jane Austen, Mary Shelley, Charlotte Brontë, George Eliot e Anne Brontë, traduzidas para o espanhol e publicadas na Espanha durante a época de Franco. O estudo concentra-se nos dez romances dessas escritoras que superaram a rigorosa censura administrativa e foram publicados pela primeira vez entre 1939 e 1975: Sense and Sensibility, Mansfield Park e Emma, de Jane Austen; The Professor, Shirley e Villette, de Charlotte Brontë; Agnes Grey e The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, de Anne Brontë; Janet's Repentance, de George Eliot e Frankenstein, de Mary Shelley. Para elucidar os motivos que levaram a censura a autorizar a publicação dessas autoras de tradição protestante, foram examinados todos os arquivos de censura referentes aos livros tratados (49 arquivos) e foram tidas em consideração as avaliações dos ‘catálogos morais’ que circulavam durante o regime de Franco. Também foi realizada uma análise comparativa das traduções, para verificar se ocorreram mudanças significativas no processo de tradução. A censura foi muito branda com as autoras analisadas e os romances foram publicados sem muitas objeções.

  • English

    This article analyzes how the work of six nineteenth century British women authors, Jane Austen, Mary Shelley, Charlotte Brontë, George Eliot and Anne Brontë was received upon its translation into Spanish and publication in Spain during the Franco dictatorship. Specifically, this study focuses on the 10 novels by these writers that were able to make it through the strict administrative censorship regime that was in place in Spain and were published for the first time in the country between 1939 and 1975. These titles were Sense and Sensibility, Mansfield Park and Emma by Jane Austen; The Professor, Shirley and Villette by Charlotte Brontë; Agnes Grey and The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Brontë; Janet’s Repentance by George Eliot, and Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. The approach used to shed light on what motivated the regime’s censors to allow the publication of these Protestant women authors consisted of an examination of all the censorship files on the above-mentioned books (49 files) as well as a consideration of the assessments of the works issued by the Franco-era ‘moral catalogues’. Additionally, a comparative analysis of the translations and the original was carried out to determine whether significant changes were made to the books during the process of translation. The analysis indicates that the censors were quite permissive concerning these authors and that the authorities expressed few reservations about allowing the novels to be published.

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