Introducción: La intervención domiciliaria paliativa de las necesidades de una persona adulta mayor con enfermedad de Alzheimer se realiza desde una perspectiva integral y preventiva al final de la vida.
Objetivo: Analizar las necesidades de una persona adulta mayor con enfermedad de Alzheimer para conocer sus cuidados en la intervención domiciliaria paliativa.
Métodos: caso clínico real y descriptivo, se incluyó un genograma e historia clínica y 17 documentos publicados entre 2004 y 2021, se excluyeron 10 referencias. Se consideraron los criterios y argumentos de referencias bibliográficas para lo cual se colocó la cita correspondiente, no hubo conflictos de interés.
Resultados: El control de síntomas es parte del cuidado integral del paciente que se encuentra al final de la vida. La comunicación terapéutica es una habilidad imprescindible para atender a las personas con enfermedad avanzada o terminal, el apoyo a la familia es fundamental por ser la fuente de cuidados para el enfermo y su principal sistema de bienestar.
Conclusiones: las tres acciones en el control de síntomas, comunicación terapéutica y apoyo a la familia, es una alternativa paliativa para satisfacer las necesidades de una persona adulta mayor con enfermedad de Alzheimer al final de la vida.
Introduction: palliative home intervention for the needs of an older adult with Alzheimer's disease is carried out from a comprehensive and preventive perspective at the end of life.
Objective: to analyze in the palliative home intervention, the needs of an older adult with Alzheimer's disease to know his way of being cared.
Methods: Real and descriptive clinical case, a genogram and clinical history and 17 documents published between 2004 and 2021 were included, 10 references were excluded. The criteria and arguments of the authors were considered, for which the corresponding citation was placed, there were no conflicts of interest.
Results: Symptom control is part of the comprehensive care of the patient who is at the end of life. Therapeutic communication is an essential skill to care for people with advanced or terminal illness and support for the family is essential, as it is the source of care for the patient and their main welfare system.
Conclusions: The actions in the control of symptoms, therapeutic communication, and support to the family, is a palliative alternative to satisfy the needs of an older adult with Alzheimer's disease at the end of life.
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